Imagine having all the information you needed to make an informed decision on one screen. Microsoft Power BI streamlines decision-making by displaying business analytics on an interactive dashboard.
A BI dashboard can identify strengths and weaknesses within your company so you can remain competitive in the long term.
Continue reading to learn how to use dashboards in Microsoft Power BI. For more information, schedule your free consultation to learn if Power BI is the right web app for your company.
What Is a Dashboard?
The dashboard is the first page users see when they click on the Power BI dashboard displays data, summaries, and trends so you can make informed business decisions.
. Dashboards are powerful because they help you absorb the most important data and take action. Unlike a report, a dashboard has links that allow you to drill down to the page you need or act on data pulled from the web app. AEvery time a user logs into the web app, they’ll see the dashboard. For this reason, you’ll want to put considerable thought into what data is displayed. Displaying the right types of information can help improve employee productivity because they won’t have to hunt for the data they need. Links on the BI dashboard also help employees take immediate action.
How Do I Design an Effective Dashboard?
Think of your audience. Who will be using the Power BI dashboard and what data do they need to take action? For example, your marketing team may benefit greatly from being able to see a line graph of your company’s sales since the beginning of their most recent campaign. Likewise, your team may measure the success of an advertising campaign based on the number of new social media followers.
It might be a good idea to ask your team what information they would find most useful. That way, the dashboard will be created with their insights and feedback. Our Power BI consultants will also be able to work with you to determine what data is most useful for your company’s goals. We offer Power BI training so you and your employees are familiar with the web app.
How Do I Know What Users Need?
A useful dashboard only shows the data your audience needs. If your company has several departments, you may want to create several dashboards to best suit their needs. Otherwise, users will become frustrated if they have to search too hard for data relevant to their jobs.
For example, your accountant probably doesn’t care how many Twitter followers the company gained since sponsoring a local race. Ensuring everyone has the right info they need to best fulfill their responsibilities enables your team to be more effective and efficient.
Contact Our Technology Consultants Today
We can help you determine what your users need to do their jobs. We also offer Power BI training so everyone on your team can feel comfortable using the new technology. We offer Power BI training so you can improve your company’s performance and remain competitive. To schedule your free consultation with our , call Thesis Tech at (888) 705-7253.