How to Improve Your Company’s Productivity

At Thesis Tech, we have plenty of business software options to help increase company productivity and improve communication. This includes things like Microsoft Access consulting, web development, data analytics, and mobile application usages. Here are a few ways your company can boost productivity this year. 

The Mobile App: Access Information on the Go

Much of today’s business technology can be accessed on the go, which means your employees aren’t dependent on using their office computers. This is good news for salespeople that need to access company information while traveling to meet clients. 

How to Improve Your Company’s Productivity

It’s easier to improve productivity when employees are able to access the information they need when they need it. For example, web and mobile applications can be accessed through a web browser as long as there is data or the internet. 

These web and mobile applications can be used to harbor portfolios, contain company benefits information, or showcase ease of use when trying to prove to a customer that your company will meet their needs. 

Data Analytics: The Goldmine Hidden in Your Company 

Today’s number-crunching software like Microsoft Excel is incredible at harvesting data, you just have to have it interpreted. 

By creating the right formulas and codes, you’ll be able to pull information on everything like client demographics, hidden reasons that clients leave, valuable reasons that clients join, times of the year to watch out for, and top sharable reasons why clients succeed with your company. On top of that, you should have data on overall workplace statistics. 

Looking at employees’ “numbers” is not just a television expression, but can be something that allows you to come alongside your team and point them in the direction you want the company to go. 

Efficient Teamwork: Coordinating Your Sales Team with a CRM System

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. When client information is changed within a CRM system, everyone in the company is able to view these changes. 

For example, if someone from the company recently talked to a client about being a month behind on payments, a record of this conversation would be in the system. The best part is that everyone in your company would be able to view this information should you choose.

It’s not uncommon for customers to have only one point of access to your company. However, if the person the client is used to contacting gets sick with the flu or goes on vacation, you’ll need a CRM system that can quickly get other employees up to date. 

Clients often get annoyed if they have to explain everything to a new person because it kind of feels like starting from square one. With CRM systemslike Microsoft Dynamics 365 this eliminates annoyances and increases customer satisfaction. 

Microsoft Access: Your Company’s Hidden Net

Nothing slows productivity more than inaccurate information. For this reason, we recommend investing in Microsoft Access

Programs like Microsoft Excel are designed to catch inconsistencies caused by human error, which means employees could be working with inaccurate information. This is especially the case if employees use different names to refer to the same client. 

For example, Ohio Heating and Cooling might also be listed as Ohio HVAC or OH Heating & Cooling. Microsoft Access systems can help prevent these types of human errors so that clients are always named consistently. 

And the naming example is just the tip of the iceberg. There are endless catches Microsoft Access can save your company from, which improves company productivity by saving your staff time and headaches. 

Forward Motion: Get Client Databases Up and Running Faster

A professional developer can help you get your client database ready way faster than the traditional methods of setting up an information system. This is because developers like us know the ins and outs of the software programs. 

We understand what makes them tick and what makes them really effective. So, while it may take a novice forever to put some data together, a team of developers can pull together substantial amounts of information in about half the time. How’s that for productivity? 

Ready to Get Productive?

The business software developers at Thesis Tech are dedicated to helping you streamline company operations. For more information on how to integrate business systems into your company, give us a call at (888) 705-7253 or reach out and contact us online. As software developers, we can’t wait to help!

This blog post has been updated.

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