Are you thinking of using database software like Microsoft Access for your company? One of the main advantages of using a Microsoft Access database is your employees are able to access the information they need when they need it.
also has security features so you are able to restrict what information employees are able to access. Microsoft Access developers will not only be able to help you set up an Access database, but offer Microsoft Access training for your employees.
Keep reading to learn why more and more businesses depend on Microsoft Access databases to keep organized and secure confidential data. For more information, the business software consultants at Thesis Tech recommend contacting our business software company near you that specializes in MS Access.
1. Prevents Human Error
You’ll be able to use data more effectively when inconsistencies or mistakes caused by human error are prevented. Let’s say you have a client called Michigan Heating and Cooling. Unfortunately, there are many ways this client’s information could be entered into the database, such as MI Heating and Cooling or MI Heating & Cooling.
If you are using Microsoft Access, you’ll be able to prevent giving clients inconsistent names. That way, when you pull up information about a client, you can be sure that you are getting the full picture. You might be surprised how productive your company is after implementing a Microsoft Access application.
2. Encrypts Files
We understand that you don’t want to think of your employees as being dishonest. However, it’s important that you protect your livelihood by using Microsoft Access to encrypt confidential files.
To encrypt a file means to turn plaintext into unintelligible alphanumeric characters. This means that if an employee has physical access to your computer, they won’t find anything but gibberish when they open an encrypted file.
3. Password Protects Files
Just like you have a password for your smartphone, you’ll want to create a password for certain files containing confidential information. If someone tries to open a password-protected file, they will be prompted to enter the password.
Password protection is a good way to control who can access data. Since your employees have different roles in your company, they don’t require the same access to information. It’s also a good idea to
that contain confidential information or information about clients.4. Prevents Users from Circumventing Security
With Access, you are able to create different permissions for different users. This means that employees only have access to the information they need to do their job. To protect your company, it’s important you know how to prevent users from circumventing security.
To make your Access database secure, we recommend hiring our company. We specialize in Access database implementation and consulting. Learning how to properly use Access databases is an investment in your company’s future.
5. Limits Accessibility
Microsoft Access allows you to protect your data so that only authorized parties can edit or make changes to it. There are a few ways you can do this. One of them is database splitting, which allows you to display data to front-end users without allowing them to edit the raw data on the back end. Simply navigate to Database Utilities on the Tools menu to view your options.
Call Us Today!
Thesis Tech is a business systems software company that is dedicated to helping businesses like yours improve productivity and information security. If you are interested in securing a Microsoft Access database for your company or want to learn more about our Microsoft Access consulting services, give us a call at (888) 705-7253.
This blog post has been updated.